Friday, March 19, 2004


Forgot all about this site.

Since I last wrote, I have been to Cheltenham National Hunt Racing with Eamonn and his company. Lost all my money but had a fantastic day. The sun shone the champagne flowed (Eamonn won).
Yesterday was back down to earth. Mother came for lunch, very unusual. Caught the bus into Worcester to go to Sam Williams birthday party, that way I could come home with Eamonn.

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

First Blog

I didn't know what a Blog/Blogger was until about 5 minutes ago, I had heard the term and knew it was related to computing, but that was it.
I have spent the day, ordering tickets to the theatre, organising a mole catcher, upgrading my firewall, washing and lazing in the bath for half an hour.
The dogs have been promised a long walk and I also have to see to the hens (feed water and collect the eggs).

No children today, (Eliza and Josh), so I can spend time preparing a lovely supper for my delightful husband.